New Arrivals list for 2023 May. Only new items added to our webstore are included in this list. To track restock of existing stock items, you can add Restock Notification via our webstore and be informed via email once we've restocked.
Bios:Mesofauna is an alternative Bios:Megafauna. That is, it starts and ends at the same time. It follows the same sort of Achterbahn environment, same climate change, same or similar creeples, same VP, same tiles, same card colors, same cratons and drift, same basic and Achterbahn games, same catastrophes, same greenhouse, cloudiness, and oxygen. Same terrestrial settings. The setting is the same, only the animals are smaller.
The two games integrate with each other making it possible to play a game with a combination of player roles from the two games.
This is the 4th game in the BIOS Series.
Age: 14 and up
Time: 90-120 minutes
Phil Eklund
Sierra Madre Games
Sleeve size: 57x90 (tbc)