Mystery Rummy Series
The MYSTERY RUMMY series consists of variants of the traditional card game Rummy designed by Mike Fitzgerald. All of the games in the series share themes based upon infamous or mysterious characters, events or stories.
Will you succeed where Scotland Yard failed? The case of Jack the Ripper is re-opened in this innovative card game that combines the elements of an exciting mystery with the strategies of traditional rummy. Each suspect, victim and murder scene is depicted with historical accuracy in this challenging game of intrigue and suspense.
The 1st game in the Mystery Rummy Game Series.
Players: 2 to 4
Age: 10 and up
Time: 30-45 minutes
Mike Fitzgerald
US Games Systems
Sleeve size: 65x90 (62c)
Age: 10 and up
Time: 30-45 minutes
Mike Fitzgerald
US Games Systems
Sleeve size: 65x90 (62c)
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