2024-02 Arrivals
New Arrivals list for 2024 February. Only new items added to our webstore are included in this list. To track restock of existing stock items, you can add Restock Notification via our webstore and be informed via email once we've restocked.
India's railroad history began in 1837 when The Red Hill Railway used the country's first steam-powered locomotive to carry stone for road work to Madras, modern-day Chennai. In 1845, India's first railway was incorporated, the Madras Railway. Sixteen years later, on a warm April day in 1853, a 14-carriage train carrying 400 passengers was hauled 21 miles by three steam locomotives - the Sahib, Sindh, and Sultan - and passenger railway service was thus initiated in India. From there, as they say, the rest is history, and India today has the world's fourth-largest railway network.
Part of the 18XX Game Series.
Age: 14 and up
Time: 150-240 minutes
Michael Carter, Anthony Fryer, John Harres, Nick Neylon
GMT Games
Sleeve size: 45x70 (253c)