Twilight Imperium series
TWILIGHT IMPERIUM is a strategy board game produced by Fantasy Flight Games and designed by Christian T. Petersen. It was first released in 1997. The game is in its fourth edition (2017), which has large changes over previous editions. It is known for the length of its gameplay (often greater than six hours), and its in-depth strategy (including military, political, technological and trade).
The final days of the Lazax Empire began in the seventy-third year of the Twilight Wars, when without warning, the Federation of Sol led a deadly assault directly on Mecatol Rex, the capital planet the empire itself. A climactic struggle for control of the imperial city followed, fought as much with diplomacy and deception as with troops and starships. This is the story of that struggle. Rex: Final Days of an Empire is a reimagined version of Dune set in the Fantasy Flight's Twilight Imperium universe.
Age: 14 and up
Time: 120-180 minutes
Bill Eberle, John Goodenough, Jack Kittredge, Corey Konieczka, Peter Olotka, Christian T. Petersen
Fantasy Flight Games
Sleeve size: 60x90 (84c)