• Zombie Town

Game Details Players: 3 - 6 Age: 13 and up Time: 20 minutes
Publisher: AOP

Zombie Town

MYR85.00 MYR78.00

A fast 3 to 6 player non-collectible card game where everyone dies, the "winner" is just the last person to fall to the horde. A turn comprises seven actions: drawing cards; (if applicable) perform a hiding test to determine if any location is retained; (if applicable) play cards to perform defensive actions or deploy locations; (if applicable) take explosion or infection tests; adjust health level; distribute zombies to other players; discard down to current hand size. When your health reaches zero you are out of the game and the last player with any health left wins.






Weight (kg): 0.21
BGC Marks Earned+78 (what is this?)

The rules are simple and the game is quick to play.

The game blurb reads as follows:

"Suddenly a small town was attacked by unknown viruses; all of the people was infected and became zombies. Only a few people survive..."

The game is distributed by Swan Panasia Distribution.

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