• Sleeves 60x92mm

Game Details Publisher: Swan Panasia

Sleeves 60x92mm

Ref: SPA60x92TC
MYR15.00 MYR13.50

Swan Panasia card sleeves
Size: 60 x 92 mm
Type: Thick / Premium
Quantity: 100 sleeves

Ultra Clear polypropylene
Acid free, no PVC

This sleeve size is closest to FFG Purple Standard European size of 59x92 mm

Weight (kg): 0.08
BGC Marks Earned+14 (what is this?)

This is card sleeves from Swan Pansaia Sleeves 60 X 92 MM. This set is 100 sleeves per pack and is designed to protect any card that is sized at 60 X 92 MM or smaller. Games compatible with this size are:

- Stone Age (36)
- Agricola (360)
- Cyclades (52)
- Dominion (500)
- Memoir'44 (70)
- Mamma Mia (60)
- The Bucket King (110)
- Road Kill Rally (172)

This item is for sleeves only. Number is bracket is quantity of sleeves required.

Other games having card size 60 X 92 MM or smaller:
Aladdin's Dragons
Atlantic Star
Balloon Cup
Battlelore Board Game
Battlelore: Call To Arms
Battlelore: Heroes
Battlelore: Scottish Wars
Beowulf: The Legend
Blue Moon City
Castle for All Seasons
Civilization (1982 Ver)
Cuba: El Presidente Exp.
Der Herr der Ringe:
Die Gefährten,
Das Kartenspiel
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme
Die Säulen von Venedig
Dominion Intrigue
Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Duel In the Dark
Edel, Stein & Reich
El Grande Decentennial Exp. NOT BASE GAME
For Sale (Uberplay 2005 Ed)
Heave Ho!
High Society (not sure which version)
I'm the Boss
Jambo & Expansion
Kakerlaken Poker
King Arthur - Das Kartenspiel Knights of Charlemagne
Le Havre
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings - Battlefields
Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes
Lord of the Rings - Sauron Expansion
Lord of the Rings - The Duel
Lord of the Rings Trivia
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation
Mag·Blast Third Edition
Memoir '44
Memoir '44 - Air Pack
Memoir '44 - Operation Overlord
Notre Dame
Olympia 2000
Perry Rhodan:
Die Kosmische
Phase 10
Relationship Tightrope
San Juan
Starship of Catan
Stop it!
Taj Mahal
The Bucket King
Top Race!
Up Front
Witch's Brew
Princes of Florence


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