• Olympus

Game Details Players: 3 - 5 Age: 10 and up Time: 90 - 150 minutes
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games Designer(s): Andrea Chiarvesio, Luca Iennaco


MYR279.00 MYR239.00

From the designers of Kingsburg designers, Olympus is where players control one of the city-states in ancient Greece and call on the powers of the deities to earn favors, aid the production of resources, help them in battle, and so forth. A deterministic (no randomness) strategy game, based on worker placement, resource management and the building of an efficient engine to score victory points. It also features a few more aggressive options than the average game based on similar premises – but the savvy player knows how to defend against them, if he prefers to quietly develop his own position.

Weight (kg): 1.64
BGC Marks Earned+239 (what is this?)

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