• Glen More

Game Details Players: 2 to 5 Age: 10 and up Time: 45-70 minutes
Publisher: Rio Grande Games Designer(s): thias Cramer

Glen More

MYR149.00 MYR135.00

Scotland, in the 17th century! Different clans attempts to steadily increase their landholdings, which they can activate for specific benefits: resources that can be used to gain new territory or transformed into victory points; or new clan members to oversee territorial expansion; or any of the 13 special locations, which offer particular advantages to their owners. This is to say nothing of the countless whiskey distilleries and taverns. Set a stout hert ti a stey brae! - Sets you up for the challenge!

Note: This is now reimplemented as Glen More II: Chronicles.

Weight (kg): 0.70 Sleeve size: n/a
BGC Marks Earned+135 (what is this?)
Replaced with KS Edition

Each player represents the leadership of a 17th century Scottish clan looking to expand its territory and its wealth. The success of your clan depends on your ability to make the correct decision at the opportune time, be it by establishing a new pasture for your livestock, growing grain for the production of whisky, selling your goods on the various markets, or investing in the cultivation of special places such as lochs and castles.

Glen More offers a unique turn mechanism. Players take territory tiles from a rondel. Picking a tile has not only influence on the actions you get by the surrounding tiles in your territory, it also determines when you'll have your next turn (and how many turns you will have in the game). But having a lot of turns is not always the best strategy for a successful chieftain.

Glen More is 6 in the Alea medium box series, and is rated a 4 on the alea complexity level.

Awards & Honors

  • 2012 Games Magazine Best New Strategy Game Winner
  • 2011 JoTa Best Light Board Game Nominee
  • 2011 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee
  • 2010 International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee
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