• Merchants Cove (KS 2022 Edition)
  • Merchants Cove (KS 2022 Edition)

Game Details Players: 1 to 4 Age: 14 and up Time: 45-75 minutes
Publisher: Final Frontier Games Designer(s): Carl Van Ostrand

Merchants Cove (KS 2022 Edition)

MYR549.00 MYR359.00

Welcome ashore to Merchants Cove! In this highly asymmetric Euro game, each player takes control of a completely different fantasy merchant such as the Alchemist, the Captain, the Time Traveler and the Blacksmith. The merchants contend to sell their goods to the arriving adventurers at the cove’s piers—the most famous markets in the Five Realms. Each player uses their own set of role-specific components and gameplay mechanisms to produce their goods, increase their shop’s efficiency, and—most importantly—get rich!

Note: This is a preorder for the Kickstarter 2022 Edition that includes Base game, the Game Maker Merchant, and Bonus Loot Pack. Deposit RM180 to confirm your preorder. Add-ons are only available during preorder and subject to availability.

Weight (kg): 4.0 Sleeve size: 65x90 (7c) 45x70 (116c)
BGC Marks Earned+495 (what is this?)
KS eta Oct 2023

This is the Kickstarter 2022 Edition and includes the following:

  • Merchants Cove Base Game
  • KS Exclusive: Game Maker Merchant
  • KS Exclusive: Bonus Loot Pack

Check out the other editions available from us:

Welcome ashore to Merchants Cove! In this highly asymmetric Euro game, each player takes control of a completely different fantasy merchant such as the Alchemist, the Captain, the Time Traveler and the Blacksmith.

Using a unique set of role specific components and gameplay mechanics, each merchant will compete to satisfy the demands of the bold adventurers who arrive each day to spend their hard earned coin at the famous market piers.

An exciting time resource mechanism will challenge each player to balance control over the customers and market, versus running a highly efficient, goods-producing shop!

As players spend hours performing tasks and moving up the Clock, they will also be watching and influencing a dynamic market base that evolves as boats fill with customers and piers fill with boats. It might be tempting to rush ahead to and influence which customers visit the market and where they shop, but that might leave you with less time to respond to their demands.

On the other hand, you might want to stay back, operating on more information about the market and taking extra time (and maybe corruption) to squeeze the most efficiency out of your day as possible.

By selecting a different Merchant, or a different Rogue card, set of Townsfolk cards, or other content, you can customize the way you play. Each merchant offers a completely unique gameplay experience and is fully compatible with every other merchant. With so many options, you can enjoy a deeply replayable system that is sure to be different every time you play it.


The Secret Stash is a treasure trove of goodies that can be added to Merchants Cove. It features a variety of modular expansions you can mix and match to create fresh experiences. It also introduces new content for playing solo: a book of 12 thematically-driven scenarios, and a deck of solo challenge cards.

  • 1 Dragon Island Festival tile
  • 4 Halls of Plenty tiles
  • 1 Lair of Villainy tile
  • 5 Faction Leader meeples
  • 3 3D cardboard Boats
  • 8 Boat setup cards
  • 11 Rogue cards
  • 8 Grey Rogue Goods
  • 12 Corruption cards
  • 48 Townsfolk cards
  • 12 solo Challenge cards
  • 36-page solo Scenarios book


As Phoenestra Orwyn, the Alchemist, you gather mysterious ingredients from your decanter, mix them in your cauldrons, and brew them into Merchants Cove’s finest potions and elixirs. Your shop has a good supply of magical ichor—a slightly toxic filler ingredient. It’s great when used in moderation, but too much can stir up trouble! Will you let it corrupt your practice?


Blacksmith’s job is straightforward. As Olaf Thundercrack, you work with fire and metal. You have four hot furnaces. And you forge weapons and armor to equip adventurers for battle. Honest, efficient, and hardworking, you can easily avoid corruption—as long as you can handle the heat!


As the swarthy Captain Greentail, you sail your fleet on the high seas in search of valuable treasures to bring back and sell at the piers. You won’t know what kinds of treasures are buried on the outlying islands until you go searching, but surely, many riches await you. During these journeys you may also discover mysterious temptations— and dark curses—hidden in the waves. Yet it’s not all so glamorous and swashbuckling— sometimes you’ll need to make ends meet by simply fishing or patrolling the waters.


As Wiz Grey, the Chronomancer, you and your assistant, Humpty McHalf, are entrepreneurial time travelers. You’ve made a business out of revisiting history to bring back valuable relics and artifacts. But the machines are rickety! Oftentimes throughout the day—or was it yesterday?—you and Humpty just end up running around your workshop trying to configure the unstable time portals. If you let them get the better of you, it may jeopardize your (many possible) futures...


Originally included in the Kickstarter campaign, these additional Rogue cards were created from backer comments. They haven't been fully playtested and balanced though.

Included are 3 blank cards and 5 new Rogue cards:


  • May be placed on Boats during setup.
  • 4 in the Adventurer bag & 4 in the Lair
  • Effect: When you Dock a Boat containing one or more Rogues, you may move 1 small Good matching a Customer on that Boat from your supply to your Sale Shelf. If you choose not to, all other players draw 1 Corruption card, starting in clockwise order.


  • May be placed on Boats during setup.
  • 2 in the Adventurer bag & 6 in the Lair
  • Effect: When you Dock a Boat containing one or more Rogues, remove 1 Rogue from the Lair and place it into the Adventurer bag.


  • May be placed on Boats during setup.
  • 6 in the Adventurer bag & 0 in the Lair
  • Effect: During Final Scoring, Corruption is worth positive Gold instead of negative, and Faction Icons are worth negative Gold instead of positive.


  • May be placed on Boats during setup.
  • 4 in the Adventurer bag & 3 in the Lair
  • Effect: Increase the base Gold price of all Goods sold at a Dock containing a Rogue by 1. If there are multiple Rogues here, the price increases by 1 for each one present.


  • May be placed on Boats during setup.
  • 5 in the Adventurer bag & 3 in the Lair
  • Effect: When you Dock a Boat containing one or more Rogues, each player may optionally draw 1 Corruption card to activate any 1 Staff Ability on their Staff board per Rogue on the Boat. If a Boat that Docks contains multiple Rogues, each Staff Ability may be activated once at most, for a total cost of 1 Corruption. These chosen Staff Abilities do not require a hired townsfolk


Game Maker Merchant
Bonus Loot Pack

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