• Sheepy Time

Game Details Players: 1 to 4 Age: 10 and up Time: 30-45 minutes
Publisher: AEG Designer(s): Neil Kimball

Sheepy Time

MYR199.00 MYR179.00

The sheep that people count in order to drift off to Dreamland! Each time you jump the fence, you help everyone fall asleep easier. But beware the Nightmares that haunt these dreams and threaten a rude awakening.

Play your cards right, use your Zzzs on the sweetest dreams, and prove you are the dreamiest sheep of All!

Weight (kg): 1.65 Sleeve size: 65x90 (80c) 70x120 (3c)
BGC Marks Earned+179 (what is this?)

You are one of the Dream Sheep, the sheep that people count in order to drift off to Dreamland! Each time you jump the fence, you help your person fall asleep easier — but the Nightmares that haunt these dreams threaten a rude awakening...

On a turn in Sheepy Time, you play one of two cards in your hand to move around the circle, potentially activating neat effects, while jumping the fence each time you complete a lap to put yourself in position to earn more points. When refilling your hand, however, if you draw a Nightmare card, you have to activate the Nightmare — and if it crosses your path, your human may be scared awake, which means you'll earn no points this round. How far do you dare push your Zzzs to prove you're the dreamiest sheep of all!


  • 2021 Cardboard Republic Daredevil Laurel Nominee