In Zero Leader, you will lead the brave pilots of the IJN and IJAA into battle all across the vast Pacific during WW2.
You will choose when to use your G4M Betty bombers to carry the famous Ohka rocket bomb. Will you choose to use Kamikaze attacks to destroy the American carrier?
For those of you who are new to the series, Air Leader games are entirely solitaire by design. This means you can play whenever, where ever, and for as long as you like. No opponent needed! The game system handles all the enemy decisions and actions for you!
This ZERO LEADER BUNDLE includes the following items:
- Zero Leader base game
- Zero Leader: China Expansion
- Zero Leader: Aces Expansion
- Zero Leader: Trainee Expansion
Zero Leader is based on the Corsair Leader game, with some significant changes. The game focuses on commanding and managing a Japanese aerial squadron in the Pacific in World War Two, with aircraft including the A6M2 Zero, KI-84 Frank, KI-43 Oscar, G4M Betty, and G3M Nell, covering the major campaigns throughout the war from 1941 to 1945.
You will need to select the right mix of aircraft under your command in order to successfully carry out the different types of missions. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a fighter like the Zero is very maneuverable and deadly to enemy Bandits, but it has limited ability to attack naval and ground targets, whereas a bomber like the Betty can carry a lot of munitions, but are susceptible to enemy bandit and anti-aircraft attacks.
This game also includes additional aspects of Japanese operations such as mechanical and maintenance challenges, invoking samurai spirit, as well as the ability to deploy the deadly Ohka kamikaze aircraft-bombs. There is also an air combat system which gives you more tactical options when dogfighting with enemy aircraft, including manuevering for position, increasing pilot aggression and being affected by the robustness of the aircraft.
Like the other games in the "Leader" series, Zero Leader is a solitaire game.

Get 56 cards, 5 campaign sheets, and a countersheet.
New aircraft, armament, events, and campaigns in China. Expand your mission in Zero Leader with the Japanese campaign into China and Burma.
Campaigns include:
- Burma 1942
- Singapore 1942
- Indian Ocean Raid 1942
- China 1941
- Malaya 1942
New Aircraft include:
- Hurricanes
- I-16’s
- I-15’s
- P40’s

Get 56 cards of Japanese Aces and Elite Pilots. New pilots to use in your Zero Leader battles and campaigns.
52 Japanese Pilot cards with “Legendary” status
4 New Event cards
- Unreasonable Expectations
- He is with Us!
- Lack of Leadership
- Powerful Presence
Most of these pilots have additional keyword abilities like Diligent, Smart Landing, Quick Hands, and Arrogant that will improve their odds of completing or surviving a mission.

56 Cards of barely trained pilots that are worse than Recruits. You can train them up and promote them. The expansion also includes new Event cards!
- 54 Pilot cards designated as trainees with no special abilities and lower rolls to become shaken. Their cost for deck inclusion is obviously cheaper.
2 new Event Cards
- Rising to the Challenge
- Strained

First, Choose your Campaign...

Next, build your Target deck...

Prototype Images shown. Details subject to change!
Finally, choose your Pilots!

Prototype Images shown. Details subject to change!
You are now ready to fly as the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army Air Forces!

New additions in Zero Leader:
Maintenance Crews and Maintenance Needed Counters!
- Used between missions to prepare and repair your aircraft.
- Used to lower the stress of your pilots.

1 - Maneuver Value: Reflects the maneuverability of your aircraft. This may help or hurt your Pilot's capability to maneuver behind an enemy Bandit in a dogfight.
2 - Robustness Value: Reflects the strength of your aircraft. Sturdier built Aircraft reduce the chances of taking damage or getting shot down, weaker Aircraft increase it.
3 - Aggression Value: Reflects the boldness of your Pilot giving you an extra D10 Roll. For the cost of Stress, increase your chances of succeeding on your roll!

Aircraft Cards Include:
- A6M2 Zero
- D3A1 Val
- B5N2 Kate
- G4M Betty
- A6M5 Zeke
- Ki-84 Frank
- NiKJ George
- Ki-43 Oscar
- Ki-61 Tony
- Ki-44 Tojo
- J2M Jack
- Ki-51 Sonia
- G3M Nell

8 Counter Sheets (or more - we're adding cool stuff)
9 Campaign Sheets
Skill List Sheet
Key Words List Sheet
1 Player Log
2 10-sided Dice
1 Tactical Display
1 Rulebook
Bridge Rules to play Zero Leader vs. Corsair Leader

We have included the following historical Campaigns...
- Pearl Harbor
- Philippines 1941
- Midway
- Port Moresby/ Lae
- New Britain
- Rabaul
- Leyte Gulf
- Okinawa
- Home Island Defense
We look forward to adding more during the Kickstarter!