This is the BOYAR Kickstarter Edition (Grand Prince) that comes with the following:
- Rurik: Dawn of Kiev KS Edition
- Rurik: Stone & Blade Expansion
- Metal Coins
- Honey Cubes
- All unlocked stretch goals
This bundle does not include the Neoprene Deluxe Playmat.

Rurik: Dawn of Kiev is a euro-style realm building game set in an 11th century Eastern European Kingdom. It features area control, resource management, and a new game mechanic - "auction programming."
You play as a potential successor to the throne following the death of your father, Vladimir the Great, in 1015. The people value a well-rounded leader, so you must establish your legacy by building, taxing, fighting, and accomplishing great deeds. Will you win over the hearts of the people to become the next ruler of Kievan Rus?

Rurik brings to life the ancient culture of Kievan Rus with game design by Russian designer Stanislav Kordonskiy and illustrations by Ukrainian artist Yaroslav Radeckyi.
In Rurik, players openly bid for actions with their advisors. Stronger advisors earn greater benefits at the cost of performing their action later than other players. Conversely, weaker advisors earn lesser benefits but perform their action quickly. This planning mechanism ("auction programming") adds a fun tension to the game.

Stone & Blade Expansion. The throne of Kievan Rus is finally within your grasp, if you can rise above your rival siblings! Build magnificent structures for which you will be remembered forever. Relentlessly attack all who oppose your rule. Will you seize your destiny or fade into obscurity?
Rurik: Stone & Blade is a modular expansion for Rurik: Dawn of Kiev and is divided into core content and three modules. It is recommended to integrate the core content into all future plays of Rurik, regardless of whether you use any modules. You may play with an individual module or any combination of modules.
- Core Content: More gameplay variety with minimal rules overhead.
- Module A - Structures: Build structures to your heart’s content.
- Module B - Warfare: Attack your opponents with vengeance.
- Module C - Rebel Factions: Suppress the growing rebel opposition to your rule.

We updated the solo mode for Rurik to incorporate all Stone & Blade gameplay (including core content + all 3 modules). At the same time, we also streamlined some of the AI decision-making process to create a more rewarding gameplay experience. We refer to the enhanced solo mode as "v1.5" and hope you are as pleased with it as we are!