To become a legend, it takes grit, cunning, and a little luck. Problem is, you ain't the only one looking to make a reputation for yourself. So you have to be willing to risk it all, every hard-earned dollar, every drop of blood, to write your name across the face of history.
Blood Money is the second large expansion for Western Legends, introducing a number of modules to tailor every game. The risk module uses a die that improves a number of actions... at the risk of injury. The legendary story module incorporates the story track and high-reward adventures for players to pursue. Players may now purchase deeds to locations and legendary items from the traveling trader. And of course, there is a bevy of new characters and items to explore!

Blood Money is the final chapter in the Western Legends saga that we began with you in January 2018, more than 2 years ago. Since that time, many of you have continued to support and follow us on our path through the Wild West, calling for more adventures. This led to the release of Ante Up, which introduced many new elements to Western Legends when newcomers arrived in Buzzard Gulch via train, eager to create their own legends. The frontier may have been settled, but the desire to explore the world of Western Legends still burns in many a Legend's hearts.
Discover Western Legends: Blood Money, the most recent and the final addition to the saga you love and have helped us to bring to life! Saddle up for one more adventure before riding off into the sunset!

Western Legends: Blood Money not only expands on existing content and introduces new gameplay elements of its own, but it enhances the experience in ways that have been called for by many of its most enthusiastic fans!
Adventure loving players of Western Legends can finally have the added risk they've been looking for while the more competitive players will find new ways to win in the West! Introducing new characters, items, and features that you can mix and match you’ll be able to see the Wild West through new eyes.

Blood Money brings you five new game modes, available in a digital format (PDF). Choose your favorite variant based on which strategy you prefer, or simply switch it up based on your mood. The options for replayability are endless.

Western Legends: Blood Money, not only expands on existing content and introduces new gameplay elements of its own, but it enhances the experience in a way that has been called for by many of its most enthusiastic fans! Adventure loving players of Western Legends can finally have the added risk they have been looking for while the more competitive players will find that their strategic options have grown as well!

Fans of Western Legends have long been calling for a more dangerous feel to the game with greater consequences for wounds than just reduced hand size and loss of Legendary points at the end of the game. We listened, and Western Legends: Blood Money adds injury cards to the mix. If a player would gain wounds in excess of the maximum number they must take an injury card, if they do not already have one.
Injuries are semi-permanent negatives that the player must deal with until they have healed all of their wounds and can discard the injury. Many injury cards restrict a player’s ability to perform basic actions in addition to causing additional Legendary point loss at the end of the game. Injuries add to risk of being in fights or taking any action that might result in wounds and therefore injuries!

Risk Die
Being a western legend is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes you need to ride faster, shoot from the hip, hide an ace up your sleeve, or earn fast cash no matter the danger. In Western Legends: Blood Money, this is represented by a player rolling the risk die. Once during each of their turns a player can choose to roll the risk die to automatically move 1 space, gain $10, or draw 1 poker card.
However, the risk die often causes the player to gain wounds and sometimes story points for additional benefits. Sure you might gain wounds, but the small edges gained through rolling risk die can let players pull off truly legendary turns! Playing it safe is for other games!

Traveling Trader
The various items and gear that players can equip their legends with has always been a big part of the fun and strategy in Western Legends, especially for those fortunate enough to acquire Legendary items! On this front Western Legends: Blood Money does not disappoint. Not only does it add a number of interesting and useful standard items, powerful and thematic Legendary items, but it also adds a new way to acquire both!
The Traveling Trader, as the name implies, is a roaming merchant whose cart is well stocked with standard gear as well as Legendary items for sale! No one is exactly how the old coot got his hands on all of these novelties, and he is not talking as he moves on to a new region after every sale. Regardless, players will now be able to use all of the standard items in every game, and purchase Legendary items to enhance their adventure!

The Traveling Trader is not the only one conducting business in Western Legends: Blood Money, now players can purchase the deeds to their favorite locations!
By taking an action at the location they wish to buy, a player can purchase the deed which not only provides end of game points, but also a once per game ability that allows the player to travel directly to the location and benefit in some way from the services it provides. As they say, “Ownership has its privileges.”

Legendary Story System
What are legends if not stories? Western Legends has always been about making stories in the game itself, by fulfilling story cards, but more importantly with your friends. To enhance this element of the game even further, Western Legends: Blood Money introduces the Legendary Story System.
This system replaces the old story cards with a new set with more interesting narratives, ongoing game effects, greater risks, and far more impressive rewards! In addition to the new set of story cards, it adds the story board on which players accumulate and track story points to earn further rewards. This integrates with the new risk die, as well as some of the new characters for even wilder Old West adventures and new strategies!

New Characters
You didn’t think we were going to forget to add new legends to the mix did you? Western Legends: Blood Money expands the cast of real world legends for players to add to their game, with some of the wildest characters yet!
Soldiers, bounty hunters, gamblers, gunfighters, a lovable con-artist, a warrior-priestess, and even an infamous saloon owner you may have heard of, can all be added to your games of Western Legends!

Howdy partners! Welcome to the Western Legends: Blood Money special game modes! These special game modes are a collection of Western Legends variants that are meant to cultivate specific gameplay experiences for players who want to try something different. At its core, Western Legends is a sandbox gaming experience, with a world of possible play styles, strategies, and opportunities to explore, but if you've ever wanted to play a game more focused on shootouts between players, or focused on stories, or maybe who can strikeout to be the richest in the West, then these game modes are for you!

The Old West suffered neither weaklings nor fools, and even the strong always had to be on their guard. They say, “God created men, and Sam Colt made them equal,” but a select few men and women were elevated to legendary status due to their deeds with firearms, regardless of whether those actions were heroic, dastardly, or simply astonishing feats of skill. Are you ready to write your own legend with blood and lead?
The Serenade of the Six Guns game mode consists of some of the characters that are best suited to fighting other players, items that are most useful in such a game, story cards with fights between players as their trigger, and injury cards to add to the danger!

The Old West was full of heroes and scoundrels, but few set out with that as their goal. Most folks headed west in search of opportunity, and by opportunity, I mean money! Whether it was the dream of finding gold, ranching, running a saloon, or fleecing suckers at the gambling tables, they were hoping to strike it rich! Some became famous for their great success, and others infamous for their unscrupulous methods, but the only rule that mattered was the golden rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules! Do you have what it takes to strike it rich and become a legend?
“The Golden Rule” game mode consists of some of the characters that are best suited to making their legend by mining, ranching, gambling, and buying deeds! “The Golden Rule” game mode also makes use of items, story cards, and special rules best suited for a game where players try to become the most legendary tycoon in the Old West!

Life is full of shades of gray, but our favorite stories from the Old West are those where the just marshal in a white hat faces off with the black hat wearing outlaw. It is this stark contrast between law and disorder that fascinates and allows us to overlook the flaws in the heroes and find virtues even in the most ruthless of villains. While the facts might be more complex, enough time turns facts into stories and the best stories into legends. Are you ready to pick your hat and write your legend?
The ”Law and Disorder” game mode focuses on characters that begin the game Wanted or as Marshals and the struggle between law and disorder! “The Law and Disorder” game mode also makes use of item setup, story cards, and special rules best suited for a game that highlights the stark conflict between those who uphold the law and those determined to break it!

Being a legend is a risky business, and if you want to become one, there is no way around it. Whether it is digging gold from the earth, driving cattle, slinging lead in shootouts, or chips at the gambling tables, all legends take risks. It is because of these risks that we tell their stories and revere their names as the heroes and villains of our modern myths. However, there are a select few that thrived on risk, and the stories told about them, made them legends in their own time! Are you ready to risk it all and see the stories about you turn into legends?
The "Risky Business" game mode consists of some of the characters that are best suited to interacting with story cards and the risk die. They come from all walks of life, but from both a strategic and gameplay experience standpoint, these characters and this mode are meant to take full advantage of these new additions to the Western Legends world!

As “civilization” pushed ever westward, and the frontier receded, those seeking the opportunities that come from living on the fringe of society moved from one border town to the next...