"Are the stars unfamiliar here?" she asked, and the sky grew suddenly dark, the star's patterns alien and exotic. "This is the Wandering Sea. The gods have brought you here, and you must wake them if you wish to return home."
In Sleeping Gods, you and up to 3 friends become Captain Sofi Odessa and her crew, lost in a strange world in 1929 on your steamship, the Manticore. You must work together to survive, exploring exotic islands, meeting new characters, and seeking out the totems of the gods so that you can return home.
- Explore a massive, open world in a game atlas of connecting maps (26 pages in total).
- Includes a novel-length storybook to read as you explore, filled with danger, discovery, and intrigue.
- Level up your crew members over a 10-20 hour campaign.
- Play multiple campaigns to unlock secrets and discover hidden treasures. It will take many campaigns to explore the entire world.
- The cooperative play allows players to jump in or out with ease, and the flexible game system allows you to stop and save your game at any time.
- Fight ferocious beasts with a unique diceless combat system that rewards good planning.
- Story decisions have deep and lasting consequences. A village might burn to the ground because you want to protect your crew. A desperate captain might seek revenge when you can’t help rescue his wife. The game includes hundreds of quests, each with multiple outcomes.

Sleeping Gods is a campaign game. Each session can last as long as you want. When you are ready to take a break, you mark your progress on a journey log sheet, making it easy to return to the same place in the game the next time you play. You can play solo or with friends throughout your campaign. It's easy to swap players in and out at will. Your goal is to find at least fourteen totems hidden throughout the world. Like reading a book, you'll complete this journey one or two hours at a time, discovering new lands, stories, and challenges along the way.

Sleeping Gods is an atlas game. Each page of the atlas represents only a small portion of the world you can explore. When you reach the edge of a page and you want to continue in the same direction, you simply turn to a new page and sail onward.
Sleeping Gods is a storybook game. Each new location holds wild adventure, hidden treasures, and vivid characters. Your choices affect the characters and the plot of the game, and may help or hinder your chances of getting home!
Welcome to a vast world. Your journey starts now.

- 2022 American Tabletop Complex Games Nominee
- 2021 International Gamers Award Solo Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Most Innovative Board Game Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Medium Game of the Year Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Winner
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Cooperative Game Nominee
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork & Presentation Winner
- 2021 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork & Presentation Nominee
- 2021 Cardboard Republic Immersionist Laurel Winner
- 2021 Cardboard Republic Immersionist Laurel Nominee