Chronicles of Crime is an award-winning cooperative game of criminal investigation mixing a board game, an app and a touch of Virtual Reality. You and your team will be put on crime cases, moving all around town, interviewing suspects or witnesses, and searching for clues in 3D scenes!

In the base game, Chronicles of Crime (London's Forensic), players will have five unique story-driven cases to solve plus a full tutorial to introduce you to the game. Each scenario is written by experienced authors to give you the most immersive experience while you solve both individual and series of connecting criminal cases!
Important: This game requires an app to play, but once downloaded no Internet connection is needed to play. You currently need Android 4.4 or newer, or iOS 8.0 or newer to run the app.

With the same physical components (board, locations, characters and items), players will be able to play plenty of different scenarios and solve as many different crime stories.
Players start the app, choose the scenario they want to play, and follow the story. The goal being to catch the killer of the current case in the shortest time possible.

Using the Scan&Play technology, each component (locations, characters, items, etc.) has a unique QR code, which, depending on the scenario selected, will activate and trigger different clues and stories. That means players will be able to get new stories way after the game is released simply by downloading the app's updates, without any shipping of new physical components involved.
The VR experience only requires a mobile phone. Players simply put the VR glasses (optional buy) onto their mobile device, and put the VR glasses on their nose, holding their mobile device in front of their eyes, to immerse themselves in the game's universe and search for clues in a virtual world.

The game comes with 1 tutorial and 5 scenarios, but more can be downloaded directly inside the app! Each session last around 1h to 1h30 minutes and many scenarios are connected to each others in order to tell a much bigger story.
- 2019 UK Games Expo Best Board Game (American Style) Judges Award Winner
- 2019 Origins Awards Best Board Game Nominee
- 2019 Lys Grand Public Winner
- 2019 Lys Grand Public Finalist
- 2019 Hra roku Finalist
- 2019 Guldbrikken Special Jury Prize Winner
- 2019 American Tabletop Strategy Games Winner
- 2018 Tric Trac Nominee
- 2018 Swiss Gamers Award Nominee
- 2018 Golden Geek Most Innovative Board Game Nominee
- 2018 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Nominee
- 2018 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee
- 2018 Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee
- 2018 Golden Geek Best Cooperative Game Nominee
- 2018 Cardboard Republic Immersionist Laurel Nominee