Vindication® Board Game featuring the all-new Chronicles expansion, as well as the re-release of all sold-out items. This is for the Green Tier Pledge Level which includes the following items:
- Vindication Base Game
- Vindication XP1: Leaders & Alliances
- Vindication XP2: Chronicles
- World Box: Odyssey
- Metal Medallion Upgrade
- KS Exclusive Boulder Hulk Mini
- Boulder Hulk Awakened Mini
- 2018 Promo Pack
- 2019 Community Promo Pack
- 2020 Wintertide Promo Pack
- Promo Pair: Dice Tower
- Promo Pair: Man vs Meeple
- Promo Pair: Board Game Spotlight
- Promo Pair: Board Game Revolution
- All "Free on Kickstarter" items
- Does not include Villages & Hamlets (available separately as an expansion)
- Does not include Archive of the Ancient (but available as add-on to this order)
- Does not include Premium Custom sleeves
Option for Archive of the Ancient add-on available only during KS Preorder period. See details at end of Description (below).
Other KS Pledge Levels available for preorder:

Thrown overboard for a life of wretchedness, you're left to die in the icy black sea. Just before vanishing into endless darkness, you wash ashore a hostile island ruins where you are revived by a traveler. As you open your eyes to your bizarre new home, you find that something better, something stronger has awakened inside you.
Seek vindication after a life of greed and treachery in this strategic fantasy euro board game. Behold the lofty game descriptors: high-strategy, tableau building, resource management, area control, action selection, modular board, and variable player powers.
Manage your personal attributes wisely and call on your conviction as you leverage your influence to gain companions, control locations, acquire mysterious relics, bash horrific monsters and (if it’s your style) snuggle some seriously exotic pets in the ultimate goal of mastering heroic attributes — and regaining your lost honor before the end of the epoch is triggered!

Vindication (formerly Epoch: The Awakening) is a highly strategic, fantasy-based tabletop journey for 2-5 players. Play time is 15-30 minutes per player.
Thrown overboard for a life of wretchedness, you wash ashore a hostile island ruins — completely alone with nothing except the breath in your lungs and an undaunted spirit.
Through your advanced resource management, area control tactics, and freeform action selection, you’ll add companions to your party, acquire bizarre relics, attain potent character traits, and defeat a host of unusual monsters in the ultimate goal of mastering heroic attributes — and regaining honor.
You may perform 3 actions on each turn in the order you feel is most advantageous that turn: activate a companion, travel to a new location, and interact with a map tile. Many actions require the the use of your influence to gain attributes in a one-of-a-kind heroic attribute alchemy system, which is leveraged to gain the game's most powerful rewards. For example, you can meditate at a spire to gain inspiration. You can train at a fort to gain strength. But then you can combine your inspiration and strength to gain the courage (inspired strength) which allows you to perform a bounty hunt.
There are distinctive end-game triggers that can be affected through game play, over 72 unique card abilities that can be merged in unusual ways for potent combinations, and fresh tile placement each game for high replayability.
- 2018 Cardboard Republic Daredevil Laurel Nominee
- 2018 Board Game Quest Awards Best Production Values Nominee
- 2018 Board Game Quest Awards Best Game from a Small Publisher Winner
- 2018 Board Game Quest Awards Best Game from a Small Publisher Nominee

The Archive of the Ancients is a massive Vindication upgrade just announced in this week’s Wormhole event (Orange Nebula’s semi-regular livestream where we drop new releases, announcements, and do an AMA).
It introduces loads of new quality-of-life content, including a huge box that holds darn near everything and has room for future content as well.
Behold the outpouring of details!

Single-Box Solution with Updated Game Trayz!
The Archive holds everything ever made. Well, except the neoprene playmat, which will continue to live in its embroidered sleeve.
Many long hours have gone into a close and detailed collaboration with Noah at Game Trayz to completely re-imagine the storage system to account for Vindication's years of growth and evolution. As much as the restraints of engineering and physics allow, things have been designed with use in mind — if you want to play with Chronicles, you pull out the Chronicles tray; if not, just leave it in the box. The intention is to make it as intuitive as possible to play with the modules and elements you want, and for the others to get out of the way.
Also, despite looking like you could live in the thing, it DOES fit in Kallax shelving. Boosh.

Unified Rulebook
Exactly what it sounds like — a master rulebook combining everything from the main game and all expansions and modules.
This is an element we always wanted for this upgrade, and we’re giddy to be including it. Cross referencing a half dozen booklets is part of this hobby that we all wish we were less accustomed to. :-)

Personal Player Trays
We’ve lost track of the number of times people have referenced loving the player trays in the original Vindication. It is only natural then that as the “your stuff” pile has increased, your personal tray would adapt as well.
Colored to match your player color, the new trays account for all the player-specific expansion content (including this Archive’s new action trackers) and hold your dashboard in the lid to cut down on table hogging.

Action Trackers
What are you?! Some kind of person who can remember what they did 17 seconds ago?!

Us neither! Thus these swanky new action trackers that ease the mental burden of recalling which of your main actions have been taken. We jest, but as the game has grown, turns have become more nuanced and complex. These are a simple but powerful addition that helps you keep your focus on where it should be — unleashing your masterful plan.
Each player will have their own dual-layered black core tracker featuring new variant wretch art by the incredibly talented NinjaJo.

Card Boxes and Dividers
There are 20-something of these, so we’re not going to share images of them all right now, but dang — we kinda want to.
The Archive features two big card boxes with plenty of space for every card released (sleeved or not) from now until the end of time. Inside you’ll find a handy heaping of thick die-cut dividers to help keep things organized. Each divider has 3 different orientations for you to display / organize your set in the manner that makes the most sense to your brain.
THE BOXES CAN HOLD SLEEVED CARDS. (Said again for the people who skip or skim and then ask ten questions ;-)