The expedition to the Western Lands is the kind of honor that comes once in a lifetime for a royal cartographer. But these are dangerous times. War ravages the land, and you are sure to encounter Dragul forces determined to thwart Queen Gimnax’s plans for western expansion.
Fortunately, brave heroes have risen to the defense of Nalos. Chart their deeds alongside the queen's edicts and secure your place in history.

Cartographers Heroes is the sequel to the critically acclaimed map-drawing game Cartographers. It includes all-new map sheets, scoring cards, explore cards, and ambush cards with unique abilities.
Cartographers Heroes can be played on its own or mixed with components from the original game for a greater variety of gameplay possibilities.

Cartographers Heroes offers new ways to play Cartographers!
- Change the goals of the game with 16 all-new scoring cards!
- Beware the 4 new ambush cards, as the monsters now have special abilities! Ignore them at your peril.
- Discover 4 new hero cards in the explore deck to draw on your map sheet to destroy monsters within range!
- Explore 2 new map sheets to add variety to your Cartographers game.

This pledge level of Cartographers Heroes includes:
- Retail Edition for Cartographers Heroes
- Map Pack 1 - Nebblis: Plane of Flame
- Map Pack 2 - Affril: Plane of Knowledge
- Map Pack 3 - Undercity: Depths of Sabek
- Skills Mini-Expansion 2 - 8 new skills cards + rules card

THREE NEW MAP PACKS are on the way that can be played with either version of Cartographers. Each provides new map sheets, cards, and a unique and challenging way to play the game. The three map packs include:
- Nebblis: Plane of Flame
- Affril: Plane of Knowledge
- Undercity: Depths of Sabek
Each Map Pack consists of:
- 1 Rulesheet specific to the map pack.
- 75 Map Sheets (double-sided)
- 3 New cards for use with the map pack.

VOLCANO CARDS: When a volcano card is revealed, all players draw the indicated shape adjacent to the volcano icon on their map sheet, or adjacent to a cluster of destroyed spaces that is adjacent to the volcano icon.
Destroy all spaces in the placed shape. Volcano spaces may overlap existing terrain or empty spaces, but may not overlap already destroyed spaces, mountain spaces, wasteland spaces or the volcano icon. Destroyed spaces are considered filled.

ISLAND HOPPING: Before the game begins, each player fills any single connection dot between islands on their map sheet. Players may only draw shapes on islands in which they have a connection.
At any time, a player may spend one coin to fill a connection dot between an island they are connected to and an unconnected island.

ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND: Players may only draw shapes so that they are entirely above ground or below ground.
When drawing shapes either above or below ground, each player must draw the shape so that a path of filled spaces may be traced back to the gate space on their map sheet (including monster spaces).

With the release of Cartographers Heroes, a brand new Skills expansion is available. As with the original Skills Mini-Expansion, you will find 8 new Skills cards and a rules card. Some cards in this mini-expansion require Cartographers Heroes to play, as a couple of them require knowledge of the hero cards work. This mini-expansion can be combined with the original Skills Mini-Expansion, which can be added to your pledge as an add-in in the pledge manager. It allows the players to spend their collected coins to break the rules of the game in a unique way once per season.
The Skills Mini-Expansion 2 is included with any of our Cartographer Heroes Kickstarter Edition.

Consider upgrading to the limited quantity Collector's Edition which will not be available in retail (with the exception of retailers who back this Kickstarter).

The following add-ons can be included with your preorder while stocks last.
Cartographers: Skills Mini-Expansion 1
As your party sets out across the Kingdom of Nalos, you’ve acquired valuable skills to aid in your map-making. Spend your coins wisely to make the best use of your newfound talents and emerge with the queen’s favor!
During setup, you will shuffle the eight skill cards and deal three of them face up, returning the remainder to the box. Once per season, each player may activate the ability of one of three face-up skill cards by paying its cost in coins.

Cartographers: Ambush Mini-Expansion
New challenges await as you chart the northern lands. Just shuffle these 4 new ambush cards with your existing ambush cards and you're ready to play!
Enjoy the new challenges these ambushes present as flayers, insectoids, ratman and ogres attempt to foil your plans to become the greatest cartographer in the Kingdom of Nalos!