• Alma Mater XP: New Students
  • Alma Mater XP: New Students

Game Details Players: 2 to 4 Age: 12 and up Time: 90-150 minutes
Publisher: eggertspiele Designer(s): Acchittocca, Flaminia Brasini, Virginio Gigli, Stefano Luperto, Antonio Tinto

Alma Mater XP: New Students

MYR49.00 MYR40.00

Alma Mater: New Students consist of four new students, one in each of the four different majors, that can be swapped in and out of the Alma Mater base game to provide more variability in play. Requires Alma Mater the base game to play.

Note: As this is a limited promo item, it is only available to those who preordered Alma Mater with us.


Weight (kg): 0.5 Sleeve size: n/a
BGC Marks Earned+40 (what is this?)
Limited Promo Item

Alma Mater: New Students consist of four new students, one in each of the four different majors, that can be swapped in and out of the Alma Mater base game to provide more variability in play.

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