In Vinhos (a Portuguese word meaning "Wines”) you will play the role of wine producers in Portugal.
Over a period of 6 years, you will expand your business by establishing Estates in the different regions of Portugal, buying vineyards and building wineries. Skilled enologists will help you increase the quality of your wine, while top Wine Experts will enhance its features at the "Feira Nacional do Vinho Português", the Wine Tasting Fair.
Selling your wines to Portuguese local hangouts will establish a market presence for your company, help you secure the funds to expand your company, and to pay your enologists’ salaries.
But, as everyone knows, prestige cannot come from money alone. To ensure a good reputation on international markets you must meet the requirements of various Countries, by consistently exporting high-quality wines.
Periodically, a Wine Tasting Fair will be held. It is up to you to decide the best time to announce which wine you intend to present. The choice of the best wine by value and features is essential to the prestige of your company and will definitely make all the difference!
Vinhos was previously known as Vinícola.
The Vinhos Deluxe Edition features new art from Ian O'Toole, all components and improved rules of the original game of Vinhos, and a new simplified version of the game. The board is double-sided and features both versions of the game.

Here are the main differences from the first edition of Vinhos:
- Double-sided player boards can be used in both game versions
- A ninth region has been added
- A new estate has been added
- The Farmer (a new character) has been added
- The Fair has been streamlined with new mechanisms
- 18 actions tiles to replace the manager's actions
- 22 multiplier tiles to final scoring
- The bank action has been removed
- The zero initial Vintage tile has been removed
- The exportation action has been optimized for 2 players
- A few small rules like the limit on experts was removed and the action replaced for another vineyards action
- No exceptions on a number of things you can do in your turn, now you can buy, hire, sell, export 1 or 2 things in every action
- Explanation of gameplay was reduced a lot
- New solo rules designed for the new game version

This bundle includes the following four Kickstarter expansion packs.
1) Vinhos Deluxe Connoisseur Expansion Pack
- Weather (1 tile)
- Wineries (4 double-sized tiles)
- Vineyards (4 double-sized tiles)
- Cellars (4 double sized tiles)
- Ocean Tiles (4 large tiles)

2) Vinhos Deluxe Experts Expansion Pack
- Advertisers and Marketers Experts (8 tiles)
- Salesmen Specialists (4 tiles)
- Spies Specialists (4 tiles)
- Meteorologists Experts (4 tiles)
- Reviewers Experts (4 tiles)
- Estate Experts (4 tiles)
- Public Relations Experts (4 tiles)

3) Vinhos Deluxe Islands Expansion Pack
- Madeira Expansion (small board; 4 tiles and 4 meeples)
- Acores Expansion (small board; 4 tiles; 4 larger vineyard tiles; 4 meeple barrels)

4) Vinhos Deluxe Tasting Rooms Expansion Pack
- Bottles (4)
- Porto Bottles (6)
- Wine Rack (1)
- Tourist Meeples (12)
- Wineries Meeples (19)