"The more you tighten your grasp, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
–Leia Organa™
The Galactic Empire’s Death Star™ sets a deadly course toward Alderaan™ while Star Destroyers deploy probe droids throughout the Outer Rim. Meanwhile, a young woman risks her life to smuggle invaluable technical data to the Rebel Alliance, and a young farm boy dreams of adventure in the stars, little aware of the role he may someday play in deciding the course of the Galactic Civil War and the fates of countless lives…
Star Wars™: Rebellion is a board game of epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance for two to four players!

Experience the Galactic Civil War like never before.
In Star Wars™: Rebellion, you control the entire Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance. You must command starships, account for troop movements, and rally systems to your cause. Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of the Star Wars™ galaxy's most notable systems, Star Wars™: Rebellion features a scope that is as large and sweeping as any Star Wars™ game before it.

As the Imperial player, you can command legions of Stormtroopers, swarms of TIEs, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star. You rule the galaxy by fear, relying on the power of your massive military to enforce your will. To win the game, you need to snuff out the budding Rebel Alliance by finding its base and obliterating it. Along the way, you can subjugate worlds or even destroy them.
As the Rebel player, you can command dozens of troopers, T-47 airspeeders, Corellian corvettes, and fighter squadrons. However, these forces are no match for the Imperial military. In terms of raw strength, you'll find yourself clearly overmatched from the very outset, so you'll need to rally the planets to join your cause and execute targeted military strikes to sabotage Imperial build yards and steal valuable intelligence. To win the Galactic Civil War, you'll need to sway the galaxy's citizens to your cause. If you survive long enough and strengthen your reputation, you inspire the galaxy to a full-scale revolt, and you win.

Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of the Star Wars galaxy's most notable systems, Rebellion features a scope that is as large and sweeping as any Star Wars game before it.
Yet for all its grandiosity, Star Wars™: Rebellion remains intensely personal, cinematic, and heroic. As much as your success depends upon the strength of your starships, vehicles, and troops, it depends upon the individual efforts of such notable characters as Leia Organa™, Mon Mothma™, Grand Moff Tarkin™, and Emperor Palpatine™. As civil war spreads throughout the galaxy, these leaders are invaluable to your efforts, and the secret missions they attempt will evoke many of the most inspiring moments from the classic trilogy. You might send Luke Skywalker™ to receive Jedi training on Dagobah™ or have Darth Vader™ spring a trap that freezes Han Solo™ in carbonite!