• Small World: Leaders

Game Details Players: 2 - 5 Age: 8 and up Time: 40 - 90 minutes
Publisher: Days of Wonder Designer(s): Philippe Keyaerts

Small World: Leaders

MYR34.00 MYR30.00

This expansion is a promotional expansion first given away at Spiel 2009 in Essen. The expansion is based on an idea of Michael Ormesher in a Days of Wonder "Race design contest".

Weight (kg): 0.09
BGC Marks Earned+30 (what is this?)

The expansion consists of 24 leader tokens that are neither a race nor a power. When you pick a new race, you can opt to buy its leader. The leader acts as an additional race token. The leader, however, disappears as soon as the race goes into decline. Also, the leader is brave, which means that he can only be staying at regions that are not immune.

Leaders can be held hostage for ransom. If the ransom is not paid, the leader counts as two victory points at the end of the game for the player that captured the leader.

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