• Battle Line (2017 Edition)

Game Details Players: 2 Age: 10 and up Time: 20-40 minutes
Publisher: GMT Games Designer(s): Reiner Knizia

Battle Line (2017 Edition)

MYR115.00 MYR105.00

Ancient battles were fought in organized formations. The leaders of both sides directed their forces along the battle line to gain tactical advantage in order to overwhelm their opponent in the center, breakthrough one of his flanks, or hold their position until the time came for a decisive move.

Based on Reiner Knizia's original design published in Germany as Schotten-Totten (now available from IELLO), Battle Line enhances and expands the game with more options and fun. This is also now implemented with a Medieval theme as Battle Line: Medieval.

Part of the REINER KNIZIA Designer Series.

Weight (kg): 1.0 Sleeve size: 70x100 (70c)
BGC Marks Earned+105 (what is this?)

Two opponents face off across a 'battle line' and attempt to win the battle by taking 5 of 9 flags or 3 adjacent flags. Flags are decided by placing cards into 3 card poker-type hands on either side of the flag (similar to straight flush, 3 of a kind, straight, flush, etc). The side with the highest 'formation' of cards wins the flag.

This is a rethemed version of Schotten Totten with different graphics and wooden flag bits in place of the boundary stone cards. Game play is identical, except the cards run from 1 to 10 (not 9), you hold seven cards in your hand (not 6), and the rule that stones may only be claimed at the start of your turn is presented as an "advanced variant". Also the tactics cards were introduced by Battle Line; these cards were only added to later editions of Schotten-Totten.

Note: There is also a new 2019 Medieval Theme edition from GMT Games.

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