Win a copy of the much sought after BETRAYAL AT MYSTERY MANSION in our October Giveaway

7 October 2020: Promos
Scooby Scooby Doo, where are you?
7131689 was hectic. Let's keep going. Before everyone gets too excited.. no we still couldn't get retail copies of the game BETRAYAL AT MYSTERY MANSION to sell (#patience) but we've maybe better news?
A copy of this for our October Giveaway to one lucky customer!
All you need is to buy (more) games from us. Each RM100 per order spent/paid entitles you to one lucky draw. The more you spend, the scoobier you get. All orders in October (from 3/10 excl 7131689 tsk tsk) counts including Kickstarters and Preorders.
Terms & conditions coming soon... got questions, pop a comment here first
#boardgamecafe #octobergiveaway #salespromo #betrayalatmysterymansion #scoobydoo #everysalescount