Get free pack of sleeves during our Intro Month for the Archon Lite series

7 October 2020: Promos
t's a light and easy day. Just perfect for us to announce our ARCHON Lite series via our Oct Free Sleeve promo. For those who prefer it "thinner". tsk tsk.
While many love the premium feel (and thickness) of our ARCHON series, we do get a good number of requests for thinner sleeves especially from the deck-building crowd. When you are sleeving 500+ cards for just one game, every micron matters.
Another use case is when you have game boxes or inserts that cannot handle the stack of cards once they are sleeved with the thicker premium sleeves. A good example is the new game Abandon All Artichokes.
So we were asked, Can we deliver a series of thinner sleeves (60-microns?) that still retains the feel and quality of an Archon pack?
Introducing ARCHON LITE. Same same but thinner.
As an introductory offer for you to give the new LITE series a test, we are doing an Oct Lite Giveaway. All orders from 3/10 onwards (after that 7131-smthing) will be entitled to one free pack of Archon Lite (you can select your choice of size). Promo expires 31/10. T&C*
Through Thick and Thin, Archon's got you covered!
Archon RM13/pack of 100 pcs (all sizes)
Archon Lite RM10/pack of 100 pcs (all sizes)
All Archon slvs have a "Buy 10, Free 1" promo (same size).
Browse all Archon sleeve sizes here
*Terms & Conditions: Min order RM50. Includes Kickstarters and Preorders (with paid deposit). Free sleeve can be any size in the Archon Lite series. Your Purchases will still qualify for Scooby-Doo Giveaway.
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