New Arrivals: May 2023

19 May 2023: New Arrivals
MAY 2023. Sorry we've been slow to list this up, this is a huge batch for us. But here you go in time for the weekend rush. Preorders are mostly fulfilled. Those wanting to swing by the store to get these new boxes are most welcomed. We'll be open for both days for walk-ins (and also doing meetups).
Evolving 𝗠𝗔𝗬'𝘀 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗦 list here, more details follow below. #boxtrolls
We are also hosting two meetups (one on Sat, the other on Sun) this weekend
- Kickstarter Play Day on Sat featuring HEGEMONY and a few of the KS titles below
- Classic Play Day on Sun featuring lighter fares (One Old, One Recent, One Classic format)
Feel free to check out our meetups and RSVP if you can make it!
- Bios: Mesofauna (KS)
- Catherine: The Cities of the Tsarina
- Dune Imperium: Rise of Ix
- Encyclopedia: The Naturalist Bundle (KS)
- Excavation Earth: It Belongs in a Museum (KS Edition)
- Final Girl Series 1 Franchise
- Final Girl Series 2 Franchise
- Galenus (KS Deluxe)
- Hegemony: Lead your Class to Victory (Extended Edition)
- Kites
- La Famiglia
- Memoir '44 - New Flight Plan
- Nacho Pile
- Steam Up (KS Deluxe Edition)
- StationFall (Stranger Edition)
- StationFall (Troubleshooter Edition)
- Steam Up (Retail Deluxe Edtion)
- Steam Up (Standard Edition)
- Trickerion (Base)
- Trickerion Expansions (all three)
- Vindication: Archive of the Ancients (box only)
- Vindication: Archive of the Ancients (fully loaded)
- Vindication: Chronicles (KS)
- Viticulture: Wine Crate
- Ark Nova
- Canvas Deluxe
- Canvas Reflections Deluxe
- Connecting Flight (Retail Edition)
- Dog Park (KS Standard Edition)
- Eclipse 2nd Dawn
- Endless Winter (Retail Edition)
- Hidden Leaders
- Imperium Classic
- Imperium Legends
- Pax Renaissance (KS Coins Edition)
- Pax Viking (KS Coins Edition)
- Root (Base)
- Sleeping Gods
- Spirit Island
- Vindication Base
- War Chest
- ...dan lain lain
Alrite, until our next update (in a couple of weeks?) hope these games bring good memories for you! Kamsiah, thank you and terima kasih.
#boardgamecafe #newarrivals #webstore #kickstarter #preorders #tabletopgaming #boardgaming #tabletopgames #boardgames #steamup #frosthaven #finalgirl #excavationearth #vindication #biosmesofauna #galenus #duneimperium #kites #catherine #rise #viticulturewinecrate