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New Arrivals: Oct 2022 (Batch 2)

New Arrivals: Oct 2022 (Batch 2)

1 November 2022: New Arrivals

Here are the rest of the #boxtrolls that came along with the Kickstarters. Check them all out in our OCTOBER New Arrivals page!


  1. Cryptid Urban Legends
  2. Eriantys
  3. Fantasy Realms (Deluxe Edition)
  4. It's a Wonderful World - Heritage
  5. It's a Wonderful World - Corruption & Ascension
  6. It's a Wonderful World - Stretch Goals #1
  7. Marvel Remix
  8. Paint the Roses (Retail Edition)
  9. Sidereal Confluence (Remastered Edition)


  1. Canvas (Retail Edition)
  2. Canvas (Deluxe Edition)
  3. Canvas: Reflections (Retail Edition)
  4. Canvas: Reflections (Deluxe Edition)
  5. Fall of the Mountain King (KS Deluxe Edition)
  6. Flamecraft (Deluxe Edition)
  7. John Company (KS 2nd Edition)
  8. Palaces of Carrara (KS Deluxe Edition)
  9. Resurgence (KS Edition)

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