New Arrivals: Apr 2022 (Batch 3)

19 April 2022: New Arrivals
Time flies, another 10 more days (ish) before we bid goodbye to April and welcome May. Let's check out what other games that will be arriving this month:
- Bitoku
- Boonlake
- Cabo Deluxe Edition
- Coffee Roaster
- Corrosion
- Crash Octopus
- Crew, The: Mission Deep Sea
- Dream Crush
- Dungeon Academy
- Founders of Teotihuacan
- Gentle Rain, A
- Gorilla Marketing
- One Week Ultimate Werewolf
- Rising: The Batman Who Laughs
- Smartphone Inc (Retail Edition)
- Smartphone Inc: Status Update 1.1
- Sobek 2 Players
- Wonderlands War
#aprilfull #boxtrolls #timeandtidewaitfornoman
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