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New Arrivals: Apr 2022 (Batch 2)

New Arrivals: Apr 2022 (Batch 2)

15 April 2022: New Arrivals

Alrite after another hectic day of unpacking, we are ready to let all the #boxtrolls out.

Full list of our 2nd Batch APRIL New Arrivals.

  1. 7 Wonders Architects
  2. Adventures of Robin Hood
  3. Arkham Horror TCG: Machinations Through Time scenario pack
  4. Arkham Horror TCG: The Duniwch Legacy Investigator XP
  5. Catan Junior (4th Edition)
  6. Final Girl (core)
  7. In the Palm of your Hand
  8. Jumanji
  9. Kompromat
  10. Marvel Champions: Vision Hero Pack
  11. Nemesis (2nd Edition Retail)
  12. Nemesis Lockdown (KS Edition incl Stretch Goal box)
  13. Nemesis XP: Carnomorph
  14. Nemesis XP:: Voidseeders
  15. Nemesis XP: Terrain
  16. Nemesis Lockdown (Retail Edition)
  17. Star Wars: Jabba's Palace - A Love Letter Game
  18. The Lord of the Rings TCG: Revised Core Set
  19. The LOTR TCG: The Dark of Mirkwood
  20. Voices in My Head


You can also browse the items and place your order on our webstore:


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