New Arrivals: Feb 2022

17 February 2022: New Arrivals
Here's what came in for our Feb New Arrivals. There are some Kickstarter Arrivals that are not included here yet.. we'll give an update on that in a day or two. #boxtrolls
- 1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight (KS Edition)
- 7 Wonders Leaders (2nd Edition)
- Arkham Horror TCG (Revised) Core Set
- Arkham Horror TCG Edge of the Earth Campaign
- Arkham Horror TCG Edge of the Earth Investigator
- Bear Down
- Cthulhu Wars (OS3 Retail Edition)
- Detective Club
- Dobble Frozen II
- Dobble Star Wars Mandalorian
- Dollars to Donuts (KS Deluxe Edition)
- Dr Eureka
- Dune House Secrets
- Fastrack
- Galaxy Trucker (2021 Edition)
- Folded Space inserts (new and restock)
- Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North: Egyptian King
- Kingdomino Origin
- Labyrinth Mario
- Lord of the Rings: Journey in Middle Earth Spreading War
- Marvel Champions: Valkyrie Hero Pack
- Metro (Revised Edition)
- Muertoons
- Nemesis: Lockdown (KS Edition)
- Planet
- Public Market
- Quest
- Shaky Manor
- Spy Connection
- Subastral
- Trainmaker
- TRAXX Mainline Vol1 Issue 1: The Hiawathas
- TRAXX Mainline Vol1 Issue 1: The Hiawathas (Collector's Edition)
- Unfathomable
- Werebeasts
- Zoom in Barcelona
Note: We've Marvel Champions playmats for Insider redemption (to be set up) #sabarya
There are also other restocks like Catan 3D, Chinatown, Citadels Revised Edition, Barenpark, Five Tribes, For restocks, best way is to click on the Restock Notification to get an email when we update our stock level.
You can order these here:
Happy Shopping! #stillhuatah
#boardgamecafe #webstore #newarrivals #lordoftherings #theringsofpower #amazonprime #arkhamhorror #empiresofthenorth #quest #7wonders #unfathomable #publicmarket #kickstarters #foldedspace #marvelchampions #tabletopgames #boardgames #tabletopgaming #boardgamer