New Arrivals: Jan 2022 (2nd Batch)

29 January 2022: New Arrivals
The last of our JAN arrivals are now in-store (whew, the shipper actually made the cut for CNY!!) Actually there's a smaller batch which did not make it so that'll be for Feb.
As we have closed standard delivery, if you need these before CNY it has to be by curbside pickup (from our Cheras store) or Grab/Expedited delivery (self arrangement). For either options, do whatsapp waiyan to confirm ya as it'll be a packed 2 days for us pre-CNY.
New titles in this batch (beside the usual restocks) are
- Ark Nova
- Furnace
- Golem
- Furnace
- Now or Never
- Tapestry Arts & Architecture
- Wingspan Speckled Eggs
- Dinosaur Island Rawr-n-Write (Retail Edition)
Earlier in the week, we've these arrivals
- The Great Zimbabwe
- Food Chain Magnate
- Clash of Cultures Monumental Edition
- one more mystery BIG BOX
Just for the record, we also have these two KS landed earlier in the month
- Hippocrates
- Stroganov
You can find the full list here (including earlier arrivals)
#boardgamecafe #webstore #newarrivals #boxtrolls #furnace #arknova #golem #tapestry #artsandarchitecture #nowornever #redravengames #hippocrates #stroganov #gamebrewer #kickstarter #thegreatzimbabwe #foodchainmagnate #splotterspellen #clashofcultures #monumentaledition #wizkids #mysterybigbox #tabletopgamnig #tabletopgames #boardgames