OTK Cheras - RMCO SOP for Store Visits

Our Shop is now re-opened for Customer Visits
For the past (almost) 3 months, we've kept our shop OTK Cheras closed but have been serving our customers continuously via our webstore and delivery services. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who continued to support us in this difficult times. #kamsiah
With the Government's announcement that we are now in RMCO phase (until Aug 31), we will be re-opening our Cheras shop for those who wish to drop by, browse thru the games (for sale) and pickup your orders.
NOTE: We are still not organizing nor hosting any board game meetup events in our shop yet.
There'll be a need for us to implement certain standard operating procedures (SOP) - as per KKM guidelines - at our shop to ensure we can keep our shop environment a safe & healthy place for you to visit. This post explains what we are doing and how you can do your part by adhering to our RMCO SOP when you are in our shop.
Here's the TL:DR version :)
A) Boardgamecafe.net's commitment to keep you safe
- We'll have our temperature reading at time of entry and every 4 hourly
- We'll sanitize/wash our hands regularly
- We'll disinfect/clean all furnitures/shelves and high touchpoint areas before we open the store
- We'll be wearing a face mask at all times
- We'll maintain - and also enforce - social distancing in-store
- We'll regularly disinfect high-touch areas and also games on the shelf/display (especially those "high-touch" items)
- End of day, we'll do one round of disinfect/clean before we leave the store
B) The New Normal at our shop for Customers
Our SOP in adherence to the Ministry of Health's guidelines are meant to keep everyone safe while at our shop. Please bear with us while we explain our SOPs while you are at our shop. Your safety and health remains our #1 priority.
Pre-visits: We are using the MySejahtera app for contact tracing so if you have not registered yourself at MySejahtera, we suggest you do so before your visit. Register here.
Psst... you may get RM50 e-wallet credit from the Malaysian Govn as incentive to download and use the MySejahtera app. Details here.
1) Mandatory temperature check (using digital thermometer on your forehead) before entry to our shop.
- We reserved the right to deny entry to anyone with a temperature reading above 37.5C, or
- Anyone exhibiting any of the following symptoms - runny nose, sore throat, constant cough and difficulty in breathing
2) Contact tracing registration via MySejahtera (scan of our premise QRCode)
- Should you not have a MySejahtera acct or choose not to use it, we will require manual sign-in to our Guest Book
- We will only collect the following information - full name, mobile number, date/time of visit
3) Sanitize your hands. We'll have hand sanitizer available at the front counter.
- You must sanitize your hands before entering the shop
- We also suggest you sanitize your hands when you leave the shop
4) Wear face masks. All customers are required to wear face mask while in the shop.
5) Maintain Social distancing aka stay out of Melee Range. Keep to proper social distancing (min 6 feet) while in-shop.
- For this purpose, we are only allowing up to 3 customers into our shop at any one time
- To make sure you do not have to wait, do whatsapp to let us know when you are dropping by
Note: If a wait queue starts to form outside, we'll have to request existing customers in-shop to complete their business within 15 minutes. If anyone requires more time/help, do let us know and we'll assist in whatever ways possible.
6) Cashless payment is preferred. You can prepaid your order (if you are coming for pickups) or you can pay using online bank transfer or MBB QRPay if onsite. Ask us for our QRPay scan code.
If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us via whatsapp before your visit. Thank you once again for helping us to maintain our SOP to keep everyone safe.
Remember, if you are not sure at all if you should visit us, we have delivery services to anywhere within Malaysia. Shop online, stay home, wait for delivery, stay safe.
Till we meet again, #staysafe!