Add Restock Notification
If an item you wish to purchase is out of stock and you wish to be notified via email when we restock the item, you can do so easily using our Restock Notification function.
Here is the step-by-step guide to do so.
1) Log in to your webstore account.
- Our webstore uses your email acct as the account username.
- If you forgot your password, you can click on the [Forgot Your Password] link to reset it
2) Once you have logged in, search for the item(s) you wish to track.
3) In the Item Page, click on the link "Add to Notification" which is below the "Out of Stock" status line.
4. The notification status will now change to "In Notification". That's it! Whenever we restock this item, our webstore will send out an email to notify you of its availability.
Still have questions? Feel free to whatsapp or send us an email.
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